“Yeh Hawayein” is a drama television serial that revolves around the Awasthi family and their struggles, relationships, and emotions. The story focuses on Sona, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Awasthi family, who is a strong and independent woman. She faces various challenges and conflicts within the family and society but tries to overcome them with her determination and courage. The show explores themes of family values, societal norms, love, and sacrifice.
- Gulki Joshi as Sonalika “Sona” Awasthi
- Sanyogita Bhave as Rajshri Awasthi
- Karan Sharma as Raghav Awasthi
- Mukul Harish as Aakash Awasthi
- Yashashri Masurkar as Pragya Awasthi
- Smita Singh as Kamal Awasthi
- Alok Nath as Rajveer Awasthi
- Akshay Kelkar as Parth Awasthi
- Shreya Chaudhary as Pankhudi
- Production House: Shashi Sumeet Productions
- Directors: Pradeep Yadav, Pawan Kumar Marut
- Writers: Jyoti Tandon, Pankaj Mavchi
- Creative Directors: Bhuvanesh Shrivastava, Aniket Pandey